(100+ rating)
  • Six-month course 
  • Meet twice a week for 6 hours OR Four times a week for 3 hours
See payment options below

✔️ Pay in full and get 10% off now.

✔️ Make 6 payments of $860.00 each. Credit card on file required. Click here to select this option.

✔️ Make an appointment here to request a private loan, and make monthly payments as low as 134.00.

Select Schedule
  • Mondays and Wed 10:00 am-4:30 pm
  • Monday -Thursday evenings 6:00 pm -9:00 pm
No Application/ Enrollment fee is required.


What you will learn

Pattern Making

This 6-month course was created to address the industry's need for professionals with solid pattern making. The course is geared toward fashion/technical designers and other apparel industry personnel responsible for production and pattern development nationally and internationally.

During the course, students will learn,  

How to take dress form/ body measurements

How to draft all body slopers/ block/templates from specifications (tops, skirts, dresses, pants, etc.)

How to develop patterns into advanced styles from the slopers/ block/ templates using the three pattern-making principles to create any design

How to finish and make production patterns


Garmen Construction

During this 6-month course, students will learn how to construct 20+ garments, from tops, dresses, skirts, pants, coats, gowns, and more, applying top industry techniques. During this course, students will learn:

  • How to use industrial sewing machines
  • How to lay out fabrics and different cutting techniques
  • How to sew and finish a garment at a high industry standard
  • How to work with varying weights of fabric and textures - problem-solving
  • Experiment sewing with different types of fabrics
  • How to sew a garment with lining.

This combo course is offered in two different schedules to meet the needs of busy working professionals interested in learning this skill or a workplace requirement for these skills. The techniques taught in this course give students the tools and knowledge to draft any pattern and the ability to work for any women's fashion apparel company.

Class sections are limited to 10 students.

Certificate of Completion Included


Pattern Making/ Garment


March 3rd to August 20th, 2025

Mondays and Wed 10-4:30pm or Monday -Thursday evenings 6:00 pm -9:00 pm in the classroom

March 3,5,10,12,17,19,24, 26, and 31

April 2,7,9,14,16,21,23,28, and 30th

May 5,7,12,14, 19, and 21

June 2,4,9,11,16, 18,23, 25, and 30th

July 2,7,9,14,16,21,23,28, and 30th

August 4,6,11,13,18, and 20th


Garment Construction and Pattern making

From Dec.3 rd to May 22nd, 2025
In the classroom, Tuesdays and Thuerday from 10 am to 4.30 pm. 30minutes lunch break

Pattern Making/ Tuesdays
Dec: 3,10,17
January: 7,14, 21, 28
Feb: 4, 11, 18
March: 4, 11, 18, 25
April: 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
May: 6, 13, 20

Garment Construction/ Thursdays
Dec: 5, 12, 19, 26
January: 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
Feb: 6, 13, 20
March: 6, 13, 20, 27
April: 3, 10, 17, 24
May: 1, 8, 15, 22

Make up class on Fridays, Dec 6 and 13 from 10-4.30 pm



List of Materials

Pattern making kit $155 
Garment construction kit $115 
2 textbooks $75 
3 yards of printed cotton or cotton blend fabric 
- Fabric scissors- A packet of sewing pins 
- Pin cushion- Seam ripper 
- 3-5 thread cones in different colors 
- Thread clipper- Tailor’s chalk 
And a tape measurement  
*Please note you will need more fabric and trims to make all the garments, but you can choose those fabrics and trims by project. 




A complete program designed for creative individuals that want to gain complete knowledge of the fashion industry.



"For years I have been dreaming about becoming a fashion designer but always found it to be unattainable. This school has changed that. I leave every class so confident and excited about what I have learned and can’t wait to come back. The schedule, class size, cost, and talent of the professors are almost too good to be true. But trust me, they are."

Taylor Dorry

Student - 2 APR 2019

Hello Fashionistas! I really like taking classes at The Fashion Institute of South Florida. After many years of looking around for a good, affordable and flexible fashion school in Miami, I’m lucky enough to have found this. I have been learning so much with the classes and the schedule is very convenient for me.  I’m almost ready to enter to fashion world and launch my own clothing label! All thanks to The Fashion Institute of South Florida!"

Krysalee Reye

Student - 15 SEP 2020

"I really enjoyed this course. It opened my thoughts and provided lots of new inspirational ideas. I always wanted to learn about fashion and what goes into garment production, so this course was exactly what I was looking for. The teachers are very friendly and they will help you with everything you need. Rucht was the best, she'll teach you everything she knows about fashion."

Juan Marcano

Marketer - 15 SEP 2017, 14:42

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