Student Spotlight April: Kaiomi Shimeles

Student Spotlight April: Kaiomi Shimeles
Kaiomi is committed in mind and soul to her dream of becoming a fashion designer. Her dedication has earned her student's Spotlight! Read below to learn more about Kaiomi! 
How long have you been a design student and what got you interested in fashion?
 My foray into fashion school was June 2023, two weeks after my high school graduation. I went to a STEM school, graduated at age 17, and at my mom’s encouragement, I went to fashion school before traditional college.
The idea of fashion school was completely foreign to me. Since I was the age of 5, I wanted to become a marine scientist.
Although reluctant at first, diving into a world I’ve never truly known, dare I say, I’ve come to realize; it is one of the greatest decisions of my life. I love to be creative. I aspire to create clothes that evokes nature, its inhabitants in vivid bold colors. I want my fashion to show the wonders of nature in the farthest and most remote part of the world. I want my fashion to be inspired by the beauty of arctic animals and its surroundings that we take for granted. I want people to connect, love & cherish one another through wearing the fashion I create.
With the skills you’re gaining, what is the goal you’re looking to achieve?
I have learned how to sketch, sew, draft patterns, the business of fashion and that is only half of the skills that I have gained. Mostly, I am having fun and enjoying the process.
I have also realized the value of patience when working on projects.
It’s understandable to want to get things done, especially with looming deadlines. And I also know the silent pain of watching one’s hard work be mercilessly unstitched. However, practicing patience is essential. You have to understand, it must be done to get through the process. Stress can easily come upon you and one can forget the love and passion that brought them here in the first place.
We all must learn to just go through it with grace, because I believe that mindset can get you the farthest if you let it.
My ultimate goal is launching my own clothing line, Penguin Peeps.
It is for anyone who appreciates nature, love penguins, enjoy learning about them, but mostly values modern sophistication, fun use of colors, and timeless classics.
Did your initial intention shift as you’ve ventured through the learning process?
I would say that my intention has shifted since venturing through the learning process at FIF. I now want to develop my own fashion line. I have a clearer vision and I am having so much fun learning, creating and turning it into actualization.
Where do you gain inspiration from?
I draw inspiration from life.
But to put it shortly, I love penguins. They are my main muse :)
What advice do you have for students studying fashion design or looking to start?
Hmmm, let’s see…The Fashion Institute of Florida is a good place to start.

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