Student Spotlight: Arielle Tempelberg

Student Spotlight: Arielle Tempelberg
Meet Arielle Tempelberg, a very talented young lady whose effort and punctuality has been consistent since the beginning! Her hunger to perfect her craft has not gone unnoticed! Read more about Arielle below!
How long have you been a design student and what got you interested in fashion?
I have been a design student since July of 2022. I started my first class with hopes of being able to alter my clothes to make them more suitable for me. I fell in love with sewing and knew I had to continue learning! 
With the skills you’re gaining, what is the goal you’re looking to achieve?
With the skills I’m gaining, my goal is to feel more confident in my sewing and pattern making skills. I’m excited to continue the program and learn about more areas of the fashion industry.
Did your initial intention shift as you’ve ventured through the learning process?
My initial intention when I first started shifted more and more with everything I learned. When I walked into my first sewing for beginners class, I dreamed about dresses I would hem for myself and all the possibilities sewing brings. Now that I’m on level 4 of garment construction & pattern making, my perspective broadened immensely. Initially, I had not thought it was possible for me to make a career for myself in the fashion industry, but now I’m finding myself tied in all the different directions I can go. 
Where do you gain inspiration from?
I gain inspiration from my peers and teachers at school. Some of the students come knowing how to sew, while some are like me and never used a sewing machine before. It inspires me to see how although we might be at different levels, we’re all learning and being challenged. I especially love when we do our final projects because we get to see each other’s personal designs come to life. My teachers are a tremendous inspiration to me because they always assure me that whatever I feel is impossible for me to do, is actually in fact, possible!
What advice do you have for students studying fashion design or looking to start?
The advice I would give for students studying fashion is to look at how far you’ve come rather than how far you have to go. I try to keep the mindset that even though I might need to unpick something for the umpteenth time, a few months ago I didn’t know what a notch is! If you’re looking to start studying, don’t hesitate! You never know your potential until you start. I’m so grateful to the school for teaching me everything I know and encouraging me to be where I am today because without it, I’d still be dreaming about hemming dresses with no way of knowing how!

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