Student Spotlight: Phoebe Basulto

Student Spotlight: Phoebe Basulto

Phoebe is a skilled designer and artist. Her dedication to her craft has earned her November’s Spotlight! Read below to learn more about Phoebe! 

How long have you been a design student and what got you interested in fashion?
I started my journey at FIF in the Sewing for Beginners course back in May 2021. I have always had a love for artistic skills and I knew I had the potential to learn how to sew. I found out about the school through a friend on Instagram and thought it was kismet, so I enrolled as soon as I had the funds to pay for the course. I joined the Fashion Apparel Design Program immediately after completing Sewing for Beginners and am now en route to graduating in January 2024.
 With the skills you’re gaining, what is the goal you’re looking to achieve?
With the skills I’ve gained throughout the past few years, I am looking to open my online boutique with made-to-order pieces. I would also love to teach someday.
 Did your initial intention shift as you’ve ventured through the learning process?
My purpose throughout my journey has solely been to learn. When I look back at other ventures I’ve taken on in the past I find that I’d sell myself short because I was not good enough from the jump. Being a part of FIF I was taught that failure is part of the process and it’s something one needs to learn from and be able to move forward with. You’re not going to be great when you’ve just started. You’ll become great once you’ve committed yourself to the challenge and don’t give up.
 Where do you gain inspiration from?
I gain inspiration from hearing about other people’s upbringings. I have always enjoyed listening to stories of where people come from and learning about their journey towards success. I also gain inspiration from being surrounded by the people I love. Everyone is made uniquely and that alone is fascinating to witness.
 What advice do you have for students studying fashion design or looking to start?
If you have already started or are looking to start, the first thing you need to be sure of is if this is something you are passionate about. Above all, you need to be disciplined and consistent with your craft. It takes dedication and perseverance to take on pretty much anything in this world. Treat your skill with patience and prioritize it. Time really flies and one day you’ll look back and realize how far you’ve come, just like I have. Mrs.D’Oleo, Mrs.Baez, Jonathan, and Ms.Acevedo have been of immense support in these past 2 years. Their extrinsic motivation has pushed me to keep going and I’m forever grateful for the knowledge and wisdom they’ve engraved in me. Always give yourself credit where it’s due!!

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